考試的地點(如上圖)在YAREN的警察局(在國會那條路消防隊附近),非假日早上十點到下午三點受理報考,請帶著護照和國際駕照(如果有就一定不用路考),進去考場後,警官會印考試卷給你(已經不像之後說的open book,把交通規則給你看著寫了,而且警官也不會看著你寫的答案提示了),考卷有3張紙(6面)。
第一面的上方是填基本資料(其中address我填Menen Hotel room 211),然後是考試規則說明:要答對15題以上才能通過、若這次沒考過你這輩子有三次考試機會、三次都沒考過就表示您這輩子不適合在諾魯開(騎)車、若您之前有任何駕照請提供證明文件(指國際駕照)。最後是問你這次來考試是要開哪一種車:a.公車 b. commercial motor vehicle c. private motor vehicle d. motorcycle
e……(這個部分在我考完時,警官和我確認我是台灣來的醫師,開RON-371那台車後,他說要填B. commercial motor vehicle,不是C)。
是非題方面,林中興主任那幾考古題很重要,其它是非題我幾乎全部都填True(除了出現在考古題內的題目有一題是選False),其它都是考法規上面的東西,分兩種問題,一種是描述某種行為(比如說警察臨檢時不提供駕照、喝酒開車等等)是違法的(當然全部都填True),另一種就是像2014 Motor Traffic Act上的句子一樣,描述某種違法行為會罰多少錢(這我當然記不住罰多少,所以才全部填True)。這個部分大至上整理如下圖(2014 Motor Traffic Act,但是我覺得不用記xd)
1. In Nauru, is it lawful for a motor cycle to carry more
than 1 passenger ? True or False
Ans: False (選False)
2. When NPF (Nauru Police Force) ask you to provide information when it is necessary and if you do not provide, according to the Nauru Motor Traffic Act you are “guilty of an offense”. (犯了抗拒之罪) True or False
2. When NPF (Nauru Police Force) ask you to provide information when it is necessary and if you do not provide, according to the Nauru Motor Traffic Act you are “guilty of an offense”. (犯了抗拒之罪) True or False
Ans: True (選True)
3. When NPF ask you to give your name when it is necessary and if you do not give, according to the Nauru Motor Traffic Act you are “guilty of an offense”True or False
Ans: True (選True)
4. According to Nauru law, it is not allowed to drive a motor vehicle if you are influenced by intoxication liquid. True or False
Ans: True (選True)3. When NPF ask you to give your name when it is necessary and if you do not give, according to the Nauru Motor Traffic Act you are “guilty of an offense”True or False
Ans: True (選True)
4. According to Nauru law, it is not allowed to drive a motor vehicle if you are influenced by intoxication liquid. True or False
- According to the law of Nauru, 在諾魯駕車最高速限為:Ans: 選30mpH (48 km/hr)
- According to the law of Nauru, 經過school或有學童過馬路時限速:Ans: 選15 mpH (25km/hr)
- In Nauru, usually you should drive on which side of the road ? Ans: 選left(靠左行駛)
- 若你遇到公車正在讓學童上下車,這時的時速限速為?Ans: 5mpH
- 在Nauru, 何時要開車燈? (填空題) Ans: (Between sunset and sunrise) (日落與日出之間)
- When the motor vehicle right indicator (右方向燈) is out of order, what can you do to let the car driver behind know what you want to do? (填空) Ans: Open the window and use your right hand to show you want to turn to the right (Right hand signal)
- What parts of the car you can use to see things behind you ? (填空) Ans: Use car’s front mirror above the driver’s head and both the right and left side mirrors of the car.
- 騎motor cycle要帶? (填空) Ans: helmet
- 遇到救護車鳴笛時,你要怎麼做? (填空) Ans: 當然和台灣一樣Stop by the roadside, let the ambulance pass first
考完後,警官就快速地一題一題看我的答案,看一看似乎是已經超過15題答對了,就和我說等一下再來拿考試通過的證明文件(我十點去考,十點20左右考完,他要我11點回來) (後來剛好遇到參事,他說以前他們考完要拿去機場找諾魯的交通部次長簽名,現在不用了)。
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銀行入口進去就會看到往上的樓梯 |
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二樓樓梯口(1.上去後先去左邊到底的REVENUE OFFICE繳費 2.繳費完回到這張照片樓梯口右邊的辦公室做駕照) |
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走到底左手邊最後一間就是REVENUE OFFICE |