諾魯Nauru行醫生活是一段難得的經歷。從2012開始分享。 祝各位 工作順利、收獲豐富。
於醫療服務期間, 更因適逢我國雙十國慶,參與了由我國主辦,邀請諾國總統及各政要之國慶晚宴。在晚宴上除了涵恩有榮幸獻醜表演小提琴,眾人更齊唱 「中華民國國歌」,能在其他國家唱著自己國家的國歌,心中有股難以言喻的感動
Your post is a masterpiece of brilliance! Insightful, well-articulated, and truly valuable. Thanks for sharing your perspective.
I appreciate the effort you put into each well-researched article.
Your post is a masterpiece of brilliance! Insightful, well-articulated, and truly valuable. Thanks for sharing your perspective.
回覆刪除I appreciate the effort you put into each well-researched article.