2017年12月30日 星期六


a. 記者問
b. 答

a. How long you have been here in Nauru and what you have done here ?
b. I was here since Sept 27, 2017, and I will leave on Dec 31st, 2017.
During the recent three months, I saw many patients with diabetes. Some of them are well controlled. Many of them are not. Quite often I saw patients with diabetic foot ulcer, amputation of their legs, and some were under hemo-dialysis. I also went to many of the local communities together with the home-visit team to see the patients unable to come to the clinic in PHC. I had given a speech in Nauru Secondary School. The topic was: “how to prevent diabetes”, this is an important issue for the children and adolescents.

a. Do you have any suggestion to Nauru?
b. yes, I have three:
1. to Nauru people with diabetes and their families:
please keep physically active, eat healthy, take the medication as prescribed by the doctors, and monitor your blood sugar and other clinical parameters periodically.
2. to the health care providers working in the hospital and PHC:
please keep going to provide a patient-centered, high-quality care to all the patients.

3. to the policymakers:
please establish a high-quality, healthy environment in this island, providing resources in many aspects to support a healthy lifestyle, including affordable healthy foods like vegetables and an atmosphere for active lifestyle.

a. any more you want to say?
b. Yes, first of all, I want to thank the staffs of Taiwanese Embassy, Eric, Mr Lee and the Ambassador Joseph Chou, and the Taiwan Technical Mission(TTM) term for helping me to settle down in the government room in Meneng hotel, the transportation, and many others. Without their help, my work here will not be so smooth and successful. Secondly, I want to thank members of the Foot-care center and Diabetes Clinic, Nauru Public Health Center, for their tremendous help in my daily work here in Nauru, seeing patients and doing home visits. They are doing a good job, especially in wound care. Thirdly, I want to thank the Taipei and Taichung Veterans General Hospitals, Taiwan for providing support for me to come here.

Finally I want to thank Kathy, my wife for taking care of me everyday.

I think this is a memorable memory

2017年12月10日 星期日

     諾魯是太平洋三大“磷酸鹽岩石”島嶼之一,其它兩處是吉里巴斯(Kiribiti)巴納巴Banaba島和法屬波利尼西亞(French Polynesia)馬卡蒂亞(Makati),今天特別來一趟磷礦之旅,首先從Meneng Hotel出來向右轉上斜坡,大約一百多公尺向左轉上山,路面是碎石子鋪的,很多坑洞,有大有小,車子必須很慢,開了約五分鐘就看到兩旁磷礦岩石開採後的樣子,存活的植物榕樹,也有垃圾堆放在此,往前,看到Refugee Processing Centre(RPC)2,再往前,看到磷礦工地,有怪手一堆堆的礦砂以及輸送帶。然後到了RPC3,看到有安全人員,沒有路了,只能回頭向西南方然後向南方走,從Od-n Aiwo Hotel 對面那條路出來到環島大道
     在Od-n Aiwo Hotel 斜對面有Linkbelt Oval,是個球場,也是諾魯最大的集會地點,它旁邊有堆放磷礦的倉庫及輸送帶,輸送帶要通過環島大道,所以就要把環島大道路面墊高,成為諾魯唯一的橋
     在Aiwo環島大道左轉至海邊的Water Front Road這附近有一些房子包括以前澳洲人的俱樂部本地人不得進入,還有全島最好看的三棟房子,聽說是澳洲高專(?)住的,戶東是諾魯人往西方看就可以看到運礦砂的輸送帶,剛好有船停在港口外,可以看到正在把礦沙倒在船上。這艘船將要開往澳洲,把礦沙製成磷酸鹽,加入氮鉀就成為肥料,出售

2017年12月5日 星期二

最近天天下雨, 雖然路上積水處處,不利行車,但是每天都洗一洗, 空氣就乾淨多了, 氣溫也涼一點了, 中午走到公衛中心後面, 看到一些花相當美麗, 平常沒有注意到, 數一下較明顯的有八種之多。

2017年12月3日 星期日

白色雞蛋花(Plumeria Obtusa)在諾魯很常見, 諾魯女仕會把白色雞蛋花戴在頭髮上, 也有把雞蛋花做成花串, 節慶活動時用來裝飾會場, 也有人把花晒乾後加在椰子油中用來護髮。除了白色之外, 還有紅色(Plumeria Rubra)、黃色、粉紅色等品種;白色雞蛋花的葉子較圓, 其它顏色的, 葉子較尖